Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Campaign 13 Kudos

 We did pretty well in Campaign 13, with total group sales of $2845.54; not as good as we've done sometimes but also not as rough as we have, either. It's a pretty solid number, so we are a pretty stable team right now. I'm thankful for each and every one of you. 

There were six of you who made use of your online store (I love the convenience - sharing my site and customers being able to order direct ... no delivery for me but I still get the commission!). When coupled with free gift offers from the Promotions tab, direct delivery sales can add to your paycheck considerably.

Congratulations to Jennifer Jarvis with 8 online orders totalling $844.58.

That's the way to do it! That's a nice bunch of change in commission!

Also, well done to:

Carol Delaney $108.99

Stacy Griffin $60.69

Carla Carey $21.07

Mirena Heigh $20.69


Heather Berg $19.98

You all did great!

There were three of you with sales over $150 in Campaign 13, and they were

Jennifer Jarvis $942.22

          Stacy Griffin $235.94 and Joe Pisciotto $153.31

I know some of you are struggling with your businesses right now, and I always find that what helps me in times of poor business or a wavering enthusiasm (and yes, even after 16 years selling AVON, there are times when I get kind of blah about it)is to "start all over again" as if I were a new rep coming into the business, all wide eyed and excited with dreams and goals that I want to accomplish. The great thing is - I already have a head start because I have loyal customers!

I start by writing down my goals ... for the next week, month and 3 months. Then I try to assess what it will take to achieve them, and then, how I will go about putting that into practice.

You all know, I push the free gift promotions and my website, because (being disabled) they help me a lot by taking away the onus of delivery. Every Wednesday that the campaign begins, I text my brochure link to everyone on my phone, and I schedule promotions to go to my already registered customers.

What else can we do to build our customer base? Although I don't buy as many brochures as I used to, for a "restart" I'll buy a few packs, label them, and put some in local stores and restaurants, and hand to people that I start up discussions with. You could say I'm a wee bit sneaky on that one. I tell them I'd like to keep in touch (which is true because I have some really awesome conversations with strangers) and then I tell them, "oh, and let me give you an AVON brochure, I'm an AVON lady but it's got all my contact info on the back so that we can carry on this conversation by text or email, or you can call me". I smile as I say this, so that I'm still just being friendly and not pushing the AVON really, just that the book has my info on so that we can keep in touch. I've actually made some smashing friends this way ... and some have become customers. I've even have some who haven't become customers recommend me to other people!

Going back to basics, AVON always said "power of three" and that's just approaching 3 people a day to make new contacts. Another is "100 No's". You talk to people and the goal is to get 100 not interesteds ... but along the way there will be some who are and will become your customers.

Just keep on keeping on though. Don't get disheartened when things aren't going exactly how you want them to, just think of ways to change up what you are doing and see if it pays off.

Ask your current customers for referrals ... or, if you don't feel comfortable doing that, give them a brochure to pass on to a friend ... or if you are sharing your brochure link via text or email, ask them to share it for you.

Have a great Campaign 14 everyone ... can we hit $4000 in sales? That's my goal.  Here's to us all!