Monday, May 29, 2023

Campaign 10 Kudos

  Hi there beautiful people! Campaign 10 was a good one, we achieved $3788.09 in total sales, so not too far short of our $4000 goal. I'm thankful for each of you, we did well.

Four of you made use of your online store in Campaign 10

They are:

Stacy Griffin $134.36

Tammie Moore $82.94

Leann Chapman $36.97


Heather Berg $18.99


With it being Memorial Day, I wanted to remind you all that we have a code for FREE SHIPPING on a $25 order, so make sure and share it with everyone, with your website and hopefully, it will bring you more orders!

Top Sellers in Campaign 10

Congratulations go to:

Leann Chapman $520.59
Jennifer Jarvis $444.88
Stacy Griffin $324.05
Melissa Gower $ 221.42

Have you registered for Convention yet? There's still time! Find out more on your AVON site.

Make sure to be telling people about the dangers of mosquito bites and tick-borne illnesses. There are more and more out there, some can be life long and cause debilitating health. Our Bug Guard products can help prevent them, so you are offering a preventative solution. For those with smaller children we have the lotions with sunscreen in them, and my favourites are the towelettes as they are so convenient.  Easy to fit in a purse or tote, and easy to apply.

Have a wonderful day everyone 
here's to a successful Campaign 11

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Campaign 9 Kudos

Hey everyone!  You are AWESOME!!! We did it! In Campaign 9 we not only REACHED $4000, we overdid it by a few as well. I am so proud of you all, we are rising again. We will make it back to being one of the top 10% teams, I have faith in us all.  

So, what was our Campaign 9 total? 


Top  Online  Sales in Campaign 9

6 of you had online sales in Campaign 9, and those people are:

Jennifer Jarvis $563.64

Cheryl  Sanchez $77

Stacy Griffin $35.56

Hannah Colbaugh $26.45

Dawna Lance $25.93


Carla Carey $24.47.

Well done every one of you.  Great  job!

IN Campaign 9, 4 of you had sales over $250.

Congratulations go to:

Jennifer Jarvis $1536.19

Leann Chapman $338.83

Cherie Judd $299.99


Melissa Gower $265.82

So, as we begin Campaign 10 today, I want to encourage you all to set aside a little time, and to go into your Promotions tab and set up promotions for your AVON customers who receive emails from AVON.  If they are not in your AVON address book with an email, they will not be able to use any of the codes that you create, so make sure you have their complete info in your address book before you begin.

If money is tight, or you are new and don't have money yet to invest in your business, then create promotions using the free gifts that AVON offers. AVON provides these gifts so promoting "get x free with a $40 order" or the like, will not cost you anything but the time taken to set up the promotion.  AVON sends out the emails for you.  You cannot set them up to start today, the calendar will not let you, so start with tomorrow's date. I actually do some for one or two days in the middle of the campaign to create a "got to do it now" response and I do new ones to start when others finish to create a series of ongoing offers.  Remember, if you offer a discount code, it will cut your award sales (and thus your commission) down because you get commission only on the discounted sales total, not the original. Likewise, although we always pay shipping on $60+ orders, if you offer it on a $50 order, then you also cover that shipping. It all comes off your taxes at the end of the year, so I use all of the promotions, but if money is tight, or you are new, then I suggest just sticking with the free gifts for now, to help you build your business.

Another thing I want to mention is to learn your brochure link url so that you can text it and email to friends and customers, and post on your business pages. It will be where the Xs is the ending of your online store.

Another link to learn, and share in the same way, is the live shopping one.  It never changes, it redirects to the current live shopping event each time. This is XXXXXXXXX , and again, the Xs are the last part of your online store url.

And the last link to share, for the Get Ready For Summer sweepstakes.

Share this with everyone, they don't have to buy anything to enter, but you may get new customers from those who do! It's another free way to share and promote your business.

The only thing you are investing with sharing the promotions, your digital brochure and the sweepstakes is TIME! They are all free resources for you to take advantage of so why not use them all?

Remember, if you need my help simply email or text me, I'll always do my best to get you answers.

Have  a great Campaign 10 everyone ... here's to all of our success! 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Campaign 8 Kudos

Congratulations everyone, we had a solid Campaign 8 and ended with total sales of 


I'm very proud of each and every one of you!

3 of you made use of your Online Store in Campaign 8 .
Our Top Direct Delivery Seller was 
Jennifer Jarvis 
with online sales of

Joe Pisciotto had sales of 
Stacy Griffin had sales of 
Well done, both of you!

Our overall Top  Sellers in Campaign 8
did an awesome job!
4 of you had sales over $200 in Campaign 8.

Congratulations go to

Jennifer Jarvis $699.92
Stacy Griffin $330.34
Carol Delaney $251.62
Joe Pisciotto $208.38

I cannot thank you enough for all your efforts.  I'm proud to have you all on my team. We are pretty consistently in the $3000's overall now, and have made over $4000 one recent campaign, so we are getting back to our pre-Covid/pre-hard times levels.  It's taking it's time, and yes, we are a long way from the $15000s that we used to make but it's ok, slow and steady will win us this race.  We did not give up when times got tough, we just kept on plodding, and you know what they say - slow and steady wins the race.

How many of you are taking advantage of the deals in your "What's New"? I'm loving them.  They give me a chance to stock up on the items I use, and I used the fragrance deal recently to reward one of my long time helpers.  I let her purchase it at my price.  

Take a look at all the "buy these get these free" offers, and if you are wanting to do parties or are new and building a kit, they are  a great place to start!

Over the weekend, I got 2 new orders from customers who received my promotional codes in their emails - are you making use of the promotional tool. I cannot stress enough how great this is for helping you give your customers a reward for shopping with you. Although discounts will affect your commission, and free shipping to the customer you will pay for, the free gifts are all provided at no charge, by AVON, so you can offer those and it will not cost you anything ... but provides a better deal for your customers, may help push an impulse order, and thus helps you earn MORE COMMISSION! 

So, don't leave money sitting on the table.  

Spend a few minutes on the first Wednesday of each new campaign, and create promotions for your customers. Start and end them on different dates so that the "limited time offer" may spur them to place an order more quickly, and the different offers appear at different times in their email box.

Likewise, you can share your brochure link:
by email or text, or on your business pages on social media.  I start texting it out on that first Wednesday of each campaign. Make sure to replace the Xs with your online store url ending.

Have a wonderful Campaign 9 everyone.  Maybe we'll hit $4000 again this time.