Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day

Remembering all who paid the price,
who gave that ultimate sacrifice,
and for their families
who loved them

Saturday, May 28, 2016

This is the very first meme I've ever made and I am feeling so proud of myself, LOL. It's for an advertisement in a local booklet, for a boy's team, being done as a fundraiser for them.  I try to support whenever I can 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Everybody's working for the weekend ...

Just words to an 80s song, yet that's how many people actually live their lives, "working for the weekend". Doing a  Monday through Friday slog, in order to make it to Saturday and be free of the workplace that most have a love/hate relationship with. They get bogged down in the stress and monotony, and forget to enjoy their day, even at its most mundane or mind-numbing. I am so blessed! I enjoy my days. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. For family and friends. For my animals. For my businesses that give me this freedom.

This weekend is a special one though, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend.

It's a day when we remember those who fought for our country and paid the ultimate sacrifice, we remember them, and the families they left behind. I don't think many comprehend the devastation that comes from such a loss, so please keep them in your prayers as you "enjoy" the cookouts and get-togethers this weekend. Never let the reason for this "holiday" be forgotten.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Yesterday was a great day!

Yesterday was my birthday, wow, 61 years. Where has all that time gone? I started thinking of all the "new" stuff I'd seen achieved in my lifetime, some now so commonplace people don't give them a thought, others now confined to the realms of history themselves! Amazing!

I remember the early days of the Space programme, as a child, watching those grainy images on the telly, full of wonderment. 3 decades later, living in Florida, watching Space Shuttle launches from the banks of the Indian River looking across at Kennedy Space Center, I was just as awestruck. To me, it was incredible that I had ended up, on the other side of the world, in a place that had enthralled me all that while ago.

I remember when a "tranny" was a transistor radio, about 8" x 4", with a couple of controls on one side for volume and tuning the stations in. Radio Caroline and Radio Luxembourg played all the newer stuff, although BBC Radio 1 did try to garner younger listeners. 

When I was young, we had "records", what some collectors now just refer to as "vinyl". They played on turntables or record players, and there were 3 speeds 78rpm, for the oldies, and 45rpm for the modern "singles" that were a lighter disc. Long playing records, or albums, which had multiple songs on, played at 33rpm.

Then came cassette tapes for recording voices (and songs off the radio). Oh the joys of them getting caught up on their spools and needing rewinding with the aid of a trusty pencil.

Those in cars had experienced 8-tracks but I only saw one or two of those, they almost passed me by.

The cassette tapes were replaced by CDs, and now those are being replaced by mp3 downloads. WOW!!!!

Same with the telly. Oh dear, twiddling those rabbit ears on top of it to get the best reception, and dad up on the roof trying to point the main aerial in the right direction, to pick up the 2, then 3, channels. Yes, in the beginning there was just the BBC (known colloquially as "The Beeb" and funded from the mandatory TV Licenses) and ITV which was the independent channel and relied on advertising to fund its programming. Then the Beeb came out with BBC 2, which had more documentaries and drama on. And that was it for a few years! It wasn't until 1982 that England got a fourth channel!

The idea of recording what was on the telly ... that wasn't even an idea. Then the 80s came with video players and recorders, a luxury at first and then they were commonplace. Then ... gone. Replaced by DVDs, in a blink of an eye.

When I was a kid, steam was big. Steam trains were awesome, we loved them and to actually go on one to the seaside (we actually called them "seaside trains") was a special treat. I can close my eyes and remember the piercing shriek of the conductor's whistle, the smell of the hot engines and their smoke, the clunk and click sound of the doors shutting, the 
ppssshhhttt-ti-coo ppssshhhttt-ti-coo sound of the engine pulling the carriages. Magical times indeed for inner city kids getting a trip outside of London.

I was 22 and a single parent when my dad told me that computers were the wave of the future, and that was the field where I should look for a job in. Key punch operating didn't appeal to me though and I loathed computers. Found them boring! Ha! Hubby bought our first computer, a Kaypro 16,

in 1987, off neighbours of ours, in Germany. $800! I wanted nothing to do with it. He brought "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" games on the 5" floppy disks to entice me to play! I wrote my poetry and writings on a word processing program called Enable. The memory was so small, it took the use of 5 or 6 disks to fully load the info needed to use the word processor.

Over the years, we upgraded. Technology moved so quickly that the latest machines one year were often obsolete the next. Kilobytes were soon replaced by megabytes, and those fell with the arrival of gigabytes.

In 1992, we had AOL 1.0, and the joys of an online community. Emails. Groups where people chatted on different subjects. Mostly just words. Images, memes,"sharing" and "forwarding" were off in the future back then. Yahoo was "just" a search engine ... Facebook, Google and Google+, we had no idea what was coming! It just snowballed!

From being ahead back in the beginnings, I am now way less techy than I might have been had I stayed abreast of all the technology but it overtook me and left me in a cloud of dust!

So many memories abounded yesterday as I contemplated my 61 years on this Earth. Childhood diseases, once rampant, now eradicated or under control. Fashions that come and go ... and come again. I miss the innocence of those years and worry that today's kids are missing out on the simplicity of the games we played in playgrounds, before the advent of game consoles that have them mentally and digitally alert (as in, their fingers) but rooted to the couch.

I had a good birthday, lots of wishes from friends far and wide, some known in the real world but many only in the realms of cyber space. Hubby brought me home Jimmy John's for dinner (he'd wanted to take me out to eat but with my walking so poor now, it hurts and is embarrassing) plus a Cadbury's and a card. He know what makes me happy, the words in the card were beautiful.

My day began well, my friend Dimple visited and cleaned for me, she now comes once a week and the difference is awesome! She is a Godsend! We always have such awesome chats too. It was an excellent start!

The old movie channel was playing "Rhapsody In Blue" so I watched that and reminisced in the music that my mum used to play some of, on the piano

I had 2 online AVON orders totalling $107.63 and a WATKINS one that was $51.21, what an AWESOME blessing for my birthday!!! Both mean so much to me!

So, all in all, yesterday was a pretty good birthday. And despite not liking the "61" part of it, LOL, I am reminded of an old meme to embrace it, as it is a PRIVILEGE denied to so many! Oh so true!

Have an awesome day, my friends!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Great offers this week!!!!

I'd love to have you as a customer, so come on over and browse!

Avon reserves the right to substitute any free item offered with an item of equal or greater value. Limit one per order.


Friday, May 20, 2016

It's Friday!!!!

Can you hear me singing "Oh what a beautiful morning" from the musical "Oklahoma!" ? It's been great so far, from the get go.

For starters, today is hubby's "off" Friday, so the alarm was off and we slept in until our bodies woke us up. 9.15am, and such a peaceful start. I just love having him around, and this weekend I get him for 3 whole days instead of just one, where he has been asked to do overtime in recent weeks. The extra money is nice, but he needed a mental break so this weekend, he said "no" to overtime, and "yes" to us just doing things in our own time.

Today's a good day for it, too, as we have lots to do, but won't be trying to rush, will just schedule it all in a big circular route and go from point A to B then C and so on. He already got a head start and took our trash and recycleables to the local dump/recycling center, and grabbed burgers for the dogs as a treat from Mickey D's on his way home.

I have AVON orders all bagged up and ready to go, and have labelled AVON brochures this morning, it's my "busy" day. We'll be dropping off at some of the companies where I have customers, plus restocking the rack in the local Ingles supermarket in Mauldin. The worst part will be Woodruff Rd, but knowing back roads, I may be able to avoid that on my journey to the European Market for my English and German goodies. Just a few magical mystery tours en route!

The library is also on the list, taking back "The Murder House" by James Patterson, and picking up some others by different authors. I love the way Patterson weaves his stories, I was sooo sure that I knew who the perpetrator was, the clues were all there ... and then the twist, and I was totally wrong! Brilliant!

It's raining out, just a drizzle but enough to make a gentle patter on my awnings. Ye doggies are happy about their cheeseburgers but not happy at the droplets of rain. They're getting too old to find it fun any more, makes their joints stiff and their bodies ache ... just like mine and hubby's. 2 are 10 and 2 are 12 almost 13. Yeah, we are a house full of getting-ancients! LOL.

You all know I bemoan how difficult it is for me to learn new things now that I'm older, my brain just bucks the idea and say "no, can't be bothered" and usually just stalls and gets me frustrated. Well, yesterday, it cooperated with me. I learned how to use and save google docs. Now, for many of you, that will have you shaking your head with a smile and thinking "that's not hard at all, silly woman, that's easy" and yes, it is ... once you know how, but for a few weeks I had stressed over needing to learn and the ear that it would elude my no-lazy brain. Thanks to my awesome friend Carrie, who walked me through it so simply, I now have that talent under my belt. YAY!

I needed it, as since our business games group disappeared a week ago, I'd been trying to recreate all the docs we'd lost, and dreaded that Facebook might again make them poof! out of existence. So, I am now in the process of converting them all to google docs so that no matter what Facebook may do, I won't ever have to deal with the stress and angst of the last week, trying not to let people down. I am extremely chuffed at myself!!

Tomorrow, my youngest granddaughter will be 20, wow, where do the years go? I am so proud of the young woman she has become, she is beautiful and has just got a new job and moved into a place with 3 other girls. Hard to think that, at her age, I was married to someone who abused me and had 3 children under 3 years old! Didn't realise I was soooo young until a few years ago.

As for me, Tuesday sees me hitting 61, and shaking my head that I am this old already. Seems like it got here way too quickly for my liking, but I'm blessed that I've made it this far, and through all life's troubles, the ups and downs, when so many aren't give that gift.

And so many things I've seen change! Maybe not as many as my nan, who went from horse drawn vehicles to cars, aeroplanes, television and indoor plumbing, and a man on the moon, but enough to make me think "WOW!" over and over.

Anyway, have an awesome Friday! I intend to!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

$10 Credit for New Representatives to Spend in Campaign 12

I LOVE when AVON does promotions like this! 

This week's new representatives are getting a credit in their account that they can spend in Campaign 12! 


And our new reps can use it to buy whatever they please. Samples, brochures, a new mascara or lipstick, whatever they want! Just AVON's way of welcoming them to the company ... and on top of all the other incentives going. It's great!


You can get started right away by going to Sell AVON and signing up under me or one of the other representatives listed on there, and then letting us know your new account number so that we can ensure a smooth start for you. I'm excited, for me that was the decision I ever made about investing in myself, and has been continuously giving back to me for almost 10 years now!

I now I look back and wish I'd started 10 years earlier, I could have achieved so much more, but it's ok, I keep on doing what I keep on doing, and am rising the ranks of Leadership. 

Thankful for good friends and excited about AVON

Today has been a good day but with patchy ugh moments. Overall, the good outweighed the bad so I am happy for that. 

We got rain. We needed it! The lakes and rivers were just beginning to start looking "less than" their usual full selves. When hubby mowed last night, the dust just rose up like smoke. We needed some raindrops ... and when it came, it was a deluge and stayed with us about 3 hours. The trees and plants all said thank you, too.

My friend Dimple came over, to start cleaning for me on a regular weekly basis. Many years ago, I was told I'd grow old in my nice smart home where I'd just dusted for the umpteenth time, and polished my smoked glass table and wall unit for the tenth. If that person could see me now, they'd probably laugh, but being disabled has meant becoming unable to do things like vacuum, sweep or mop. I still sit to cook and wash dishes, but my standing is limited without support, and if I'm holding on to something (in order to stay upright) then I have very little oomph in one hand to do the ones that require standing.

Dimple is a blessing. Not judgemental over how dependent I have become on others, just gets on and does for me with a cheery smile and chats as she works. Me, I do feel guilty that I'm not able to do it any more, but being able to use some of my AVON paycheck to make my hubby's life easier (it was all falling to him to do) and have a cleaner home again, is so FREEING!

One of my UGHs was that I'd typed out a blog entry and as I went to pop a pic in, it went poof! So, I've had to re-type everything. 

Dimple brought me a walker that had belonged to a family member, and it's taller than my laundry bin wheelie that I've been using for stability, so a definite hit! And quieter than the prior rattling roll-along!

Another UGH had been that I was on Facebook and doing stuff and all of a sudden it booted me off and had to secure me back on. I did that, changed password but then immediately went and re-changed the password again, just in case it had been a scammer. Then logged out of all devices. LOL. I may not be the smartest banana in the bunch but I'm not about to have someone else know the password I chose, so a double do-over was good.

In Campaign 10, I was 5th on our Division's Leader Board. My upline team leader, Glori, was 12th in the Gold Leaders list, and one of my downline team leaders, Caroline, was 17th in the Silver Ambassador's List. We love being on "the list" and strive hard to make our way up the ladder.

While talking AVON, today we got some great news from our managers ... all new representatives signing up this week will receive a $10 credit into their account that they can spend on ANYTHING - sample, brochures, a new lipstick, whatever they want - in Campaign 12. This is awesome and on top of the 40% commission that's now for 12 weeks, it's the best new representative offer I've seen in my almost-10-years with AVON. That's without the bonuses new representatives can earn in starting to build their own teams. 

I'd love to have you join us - it's still only $15 - and you can check out the information I have at Sell AVON and pick either myself or one of my team leaders, and just click through to sign up under one of us. We have a team group for support on Facebook too, for our team members, and a page on there where you can ask anything you like about becoming a representative Join AVON Today, Become A Representative.

My darlin' hubby gets off work in 3/4 hour and is heading to Mauldin to return a library book and pay our accumulated fines of $9! We are bad but we do pay up, we just lose track of the dates! I look on it as helping by donating to the library, LOL.

After doing that he'll be picking up Jimmy John's for dinner, oh they are soooo good! Then the rest of the evening will prob be pure laziness, watching the final episode of NCIS to see DiNozzo leave, and then Chicago Med. Peaceful evening relaxing with hubby.

Enjoy your late afternoon/evening, my friends. Be blessed!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Been busy, busy, busy!

Thursday was an amazing day for me, as AVON had our local President's Club Luncheon at the Marriott Hotel in Greenville ... and the parking lot was filled with vehicles of all colours, shapes and sizes bearing AVON decals on side windows and hatches. It was a celebration that AVON puts on each year for its representatives who achieve the status of President's Club, and is a reward for doing so.

Every participant receives a goodie bag at the event. We all dive in, excitedly, after we are seated because you never know WHAT is down in that bag. We each got a teddy bear, jewelry, samples, AVON pins, and so much more.

I loved the President's Club badge and the Circles of Excellence pin.

One of my team leaders, Tina Seagraves, in her tiara while Jenn Jarvis (blonde haired, in pink) is on the table behind us.

Salad is served! 

Although I have been focusing more on online sales (since my physical limitations progressively prohibit me expanding in face-to-face ones now, I really wasn't expecting to be #1 in our District for them! I was really surprised, and very chuffed at myself, and thankful for all the customers who shop with me, on my website.

I received another certificate, this time for advancing in title to Silver Leader, and then got my "Oscar", for being 4th in the District for Total Unit Sales Volume. I do love my "Oscars", and I certainly have my team's support in achieving this! This is the total of my, and their sales, last year. 4th in District! We aren't "The Dream Team" for nothing! LOL. My team members are AWESOME! I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

Jennifer also walked away with lots of awards -  her sales were at Rose Circle Level and she also earned a sales growth award. I lost count! I couldn't remember what mine were until I got home again and looked, but that's a side effect of my meds, annoying in many ways.

My hubby was my guest, and I love having him there with me as he does so much to support my AVON business. He does the physical stuff for me with deliveries, with restocking my brochures in my brochure racks, and brings my boxes in to me to sort on the bed. Without him, I'd be lost. 

It was a lovely day. I love getting to hang out with the other reps, and seeing people who constantly inspire me. My upline, Glori Gossett, has always encouraged me, and we joke that I told her that I was going to be like her ... and I nip at her heels all the time, she earns awards, advances in title, grows her checks ... and there I am following as closely as I can. She gets all of us the tiaras every year, like Tina has on in the pic above. 

Tina's hubby and mine always chat and catch up on everything while we are all together. We don't get to see each other as much any more due to my issues with travelling, and her family commitments.

So everything was perfect Thursday ... and then we came home.

I help admin a couple of game groups on Facebook, and so after settling down and lying on my bed to stretch my back out (even sitting that long causes me pain and my knees lock) I got online to update the groups and my pages ... and found that one of the groups had disappeared. What a nightmare!

It has been a lot of work, and still not completed, rebuilding a new group with the old members. Luckily, we are an awesome group of home business/direct sales people, and everyone has helped, either by adding back friends that were in the old group, or by verifying their paypals received for spots played and by who, we have then been recreating the games with all the pertinent information, and then contacting the people in the order their paypal was received, for them to re-pick their numbers. 

It's a slow process and this "week" will actually be 2, as we are still not fully sorted out, and this way it gives me less stress getting it done. I have learned from this though, and one of our other sales ladies is going to back everything up once we get it all done, as we'd never backed up our current games, my co-admin, Michelle, only did the closed ones and their winners, and then it was just until all transactions were completed, and I would email myself the active list ending Sunday when I updated for the new week on Monday! Yeah, we weren't fully up on all the "might-happens" ... but we'd "inherited" the group when the group owner "disappeared" on us, without a trace.

I am extremely thankful for the patience of all the members in the group, just as with my AVON and WATKINS teams, I am blessed with awesome people in it!

I must admit, Thursday night, sleep did not come easy, I lay awake stressing over the group's disappearance and trying to re-do everything but by yesterday morning, I realised, slow and steady, one game at a time, notifying people on the active list and either adding them, if they were friends, or inviting them, if not linked. No panic. It is what it is, it'll be done when it's done. Funnily enough, even as we are putting things back together, game by game, as they are done, we open them for play, so there are some games in play at the moment! I think that's a pretty good achievement.

Unfortunately, it is time consuming, so working my businesses hasn't been as prolific the past couple of days. God is good though, and He's with me on this, and today I did take some time to post ads, and to do this blog too.

Have an awesome weekend, my friends. Make memories with your families and friends.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Use code: PEDI
on any $50 or more direct delivery order
on my website
to get all 4 pieces above, absolutely free!

Valid through 11.59pm 5/12/2016 EST

It's about the lifestyle

Happy Wednesday, my friends!  Off to a good start here, AVON bonus $323.85 in the bank, paid my account, moved $100 into my savings account and paid for a couple more massages for hubby, ahead of time. This is what AVON does for me -  it's changing my lifestyle.

Being disabled is no fun, and I think most people would agree with that summarization. It involves so many facets, but for me, the most prevalent was the being unable to do "my share" of the stuff around our home, and with that came the guilt of not being able to, as it fell to my already overworked hubby to try to do it all.

I hated seeing him so stressed trying to. The massages were a way for me to say "thank you" to him, and give him some well-deserved pampering.

Then, this past week, I made some moves to make other areas of our lives, easier. I got the back field bush-hogged. Hubby had made a couple of attempts to mow but had made barely a dent in it, and either the weather put paid to his intentions or he'd work overtime and get home exhausted. Something had to give. Wow! 2 hours and it was all done. $120, money well spent!

I also hired 2 people. 

The first is one of my friends who is going to come in and clean once a week for me for 3-4 hours, and the second, a young lad, for the same amount of time, to help with outdoor maintenance and odd jobs, over the Summer and Fall. To work with my hubby on some projects, and take care of others by himself.

The relief from doing that is wonderful. It takes the onus off my poor hubby trying to do, and keep up with everything, and gets things done plus it's my AVON money that is taking care of it, so it's  not "taking away" from anything else.

It made me fully realize exactly what the benefit of my AVON money is giving us, it's making life EASIER. It's giving us a lifestyle, or maybe it's more like giving us BACK one. 

Over the years, my AVON has helped in so many ways. Helping pay off bills, purchasing the cabin-type building that (at one point) was my AVON Shoppe, paying for my mobility scooter, and then the pleasure stuff, massages and facials a few years ago, tickets to stage shows and music concerts, day trips, and gift buying for birthdays and Christmas, and "just because".

Paid for out of my AVON money!

It's making my life easier, and taking it back to a different kind of "normal", with less stress.

Funnily enough, how I'm choosing to use my AVON money, also helps others bring money in to help with their bills and family finances too. So it's the income that keeps on giving!

I have plans for the upcoming months. Hubby and I have talked about restarting a veggie garden and planting new fruit trees. I'm decluttering and simplifying our home, and then would like to redecorate bit by bit and finally redo our kitchen OR we may even downsize, and move. We are talking and considering all options. 

Meanwhile, today is another day. Another day for me to talk AVON to those who have questions, about products or joining my team. As I always joke (but think, seriously) "gotta sell more AVON". I love what I do though, and it really doesn't feel like work.

Enjoy your Wednesday, and thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Thank you AVON!

Back in February/March there was an incentive running for AVON's 130th anniversary, and today there was my reward, sitting in my bank account. $100! Nice. Who doesn't love extra money in the bank? I love the rewards I get from AVON, they just keep on coming! I love encouraging my team members to go for all of them, it's kind of like that old saying "shoot for the moon, if you miss you'll still be up among the stars". If you never try, how do you know what you can achieve? If you try, you may just surprise yourself and gain a reward, and if you miss, well you had a taste of that competition against yourself ... and it's addictive!

I constantly challenge myself to be better than I've been "the day before", "the previous campaign" etc I may look to others for inspiration, but it's not them that I measure myself against, it's myself and my journey.

Today was a great day though money-wise ... I also won a game in a game group I'm in on Facebook and added to my Paypal balance ... which I then used some of to support other business folks games. That's how we are, we support each other. We are a good group and I've made some great friends through it.

Have a wonderful evening, relax and stay safe.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Take a video tour through the Campaign 11 brochure (above) and see all that AVON has on offer right now, and simply go to the website to order, if you find something you like! 

Also this Campaign sees the beginning of our Summer edition of the AVON Living Magalog. So many lovely items for outdoor and indoor fun through the Summer. 

You can browse the Magalog via this second video.

Enjoy! I love sharing all our awesome offerings with you.  Have an amazing Mother's Day weekend!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Oh this meme suits me so well! And not for lack of trying, just for my body's restrictions now. Like yesterday, it took me 4 stints to sweep my living room and hallway, with a lying-down rest inbetween each. It took me most of the day, but I DID IT!

Unfortunately, today, an attempt to mop my kitchen floor did not work out quite as successful. I was trying to do it while seated, but couldn't get enough oomph n the mop to make any difference to the floor. I made the moves ... and achieved nothing. Oh well, I win some, and others, I just have to let go!

I did wash dishes though, while I was sat in the kitchen, and fed the 3 dogs who were in at the time. 

A man from Duke Power was out here first thing, and has put me on the schedule for tree trimming. Just another thing on my de-cluttering/tidying up list of things to do. Tonight, the young man, who is probably going to be helping hubby with all the yard stuff we need doing, is coming out to meet us and see the extent of our problems. I used to love doing things outside, but now it all falls on Mark and with him working 6 days a week, it means much of it is just not getting done. Now that my AVON checks are doing so well, I can afford to pay for help!

Tomorrow morning, I have more help coming. My friend, Dimple, is coming to clean for me indoors, and I have a man coming, as our back field is being bush-hogged. Hubby has plans to plant some more fruit trees down there, and we may possibly get some tilled and plant some veggies, now that we no longer have livestock down there. My one solitary surviving goat, Sadie, now stays up in the front yard and sleeps on the back porch.

Today has been a really beautiful day, the weather is glorious! Bright and sunny, a gentle breeze. It's clouding over now, so maybe we may seem some rain again. No worries, it won't change my mood. I am blessed and my day is going well.

Enjoy yours!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


for free shipping on any $25 or more direct delivery order

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A New Month of Possibilities ... and Possible Calamities

It's already the 3rd day of the new month! My birthday month too. It has begun very well, yet also with some lows. Life, that inevitable roller-coaster, making sure that one does NOT get too complacent.

So, I'm definitely physically incapable of most things now, and my poor younger hubby (by almost a decade) is also experiencing body parts that creak and make him groan, even as he works full-time AND comes home and does the outside chores and the inside ones. So, May has become the month that I make life easier for both of us.

I had already scheduled him some massages, so as to help him relax and give his tired muscles some much-needed relief. He does so much for me, it's a small way to show him how much I love and appreciate him.

Sunday, I had a man come out to give us an estimate to bush hog our back field. It was a little more than I expected to pay but well worth it, to not have hubby struggling to try to find time to mow, and after 2 evenings of mowing to have barely made 1/5 of what needed doing. Eric will be coming out on Friday morning to clear it all, and hubby can breath a sigh of relief that he will not be fighting 3 foot high grasses, weeds etc any more. 

Quality of life is worth so much more than money, but working for the money enables us to begin improving the quality of our lives. We have had to accept that - now we are getting older - there are things that are not as easy for us to do. Or, as in hubby's case, many times, not enough hours in the day to do everything that needs doing!

On the home chores front, I've been talking with my friend, Dimple, and she is also coming Friday, to begin cleaning for me. I'm paying today, for cleaning a rug, yesterday. It took me 3 "sessions" to do (it's only like an 8' x 5') and this morning I am stiff as a board and in lots of pain. Silly as it seems, that simple task was "overdoing" it for me and my capabilities. I have to accept that. So, what may seem like a luxury to most, has changed lists with me, and become a necessity. I need someone to clean my house, and keep it reasonably that way. With my AVON bonus checks doing so well, I can justify spending some on this, for the added peace of mind that comes from not having a dirty home.

I am still so chuffed at my team for my bonus last week, that's my first ever over-$400 one! For the past few years they have grown from $100 through the $200s and $300s and I am just so excited to have made a $430.93 bonus for 2 weeks! Without AVON, I really don't know what I'd do.

I have another business, WATKINS, but do not do as well with it simply because I do not put as much effort into it. Sadly, much as I LOVE the products, it's a business where they really need to be sampled, and thus do better in a group setting or at events. Being physically incapable of doing those now, I basically just buy for myself at a discount, swap orders with other DS folks, or host shopping spree "games" in order to garner new customers and orders. Some months I am beginning to get a nice little commission deposit, which is like icing on my AVON cake.

My new AVON room is a slow project. Hubby has to take apart the futon frame and get it out of there, so that I can get the carpet cleaned, and then I shall have to go sit armed with a couple of trusty black trash bags, and a box, and begin sorting all the boxes packed under the built in desk. I haven't touched them in a few years, so I know all the paper stuff will go in the box for recycling, but no idea what else is under there. Things that will go to the Salvation Army, probably, and maybe a few I'll keep. Plus there will doubtless be trash. 

I'll also move one of my shelves in, so that I can dust my Mrs Albee's and get them moved into the new room, as its first occupants. Slow and steady will win this race!

The rain is falling again. Luckily, I have already had my dogs out this morning and they are all back indoors again now, so that's a blessing. The chicken's have taken shelter under the car port, and Sadie is up on the back porch, keeping dry. I love the sound f the raindrops on my metal awnings outside my bedroom, it's very calming.

AVON delivery is due today via UPS, I have a space cleared on the porch for the boxes when they come. My driver is so good, he brings it and pops it on the porch, and I keep my dogs in so that he has no problems with them.

So, this is my Tuesday morning. Stiff as a board and def in pain, but feeling accomplished and reciting my mantra, LOL, "gotta sell more AVON!"

Have a wonderful day, my friends, and thanks for stopping by!