Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Campaign 24 Kudos

Happy first day of Campaign 24! 

Hope everyone is doing good. I know we're having supply issues and it's messing with our sales, and I do hate that for us all, but onward we plod, and we still have lots of things to offer our customers, so try not to be disheartened and just go with the flow. We'll weather this storm as we've weathered others.

Congratulations to our only Online Sales achiever in Campaign 24

Jennifer Jarvis $253.36

We had 7 Top Sellers with sales of over $150 in Campaign 24

Jennifer Jarvis $366.33

Amanda Cook $340.14

Leeann Myers $311.21

Cherie Judd $222.56

Brenda Bartlett $212.88

Stacy Griffin $192.45


Melissa Gower $159.11

I am so thankful for you all and your efforts. I wish you all a brilliant Campaign 25, and make sure to make use of the Promotions tab to set up promotions for your customers, and share the Live Shopping events. They may be the key to you making some extra $$$ for your Christmas.

Have a great week everyone !!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Campaign 23 Kudos

Hi everyone, yes, I'm late again, but wanted to say a big "Thank You" to you all for your efforts!

Seven of you had online sales through your website in Campaign 24. 

Congratulations go to:

Jennifer Jarvis $257.76

Stacy Griffin $66.98

Lisa Strasser $54.99

Joe Pisciotto $47.98

Tina Seagraves $23.92

Jennifer Harvison $21.93


Sylvia Mumoz $19.98

Our Top 3 in sales, in Campaign 23 were:

Jennifer Jarvis $530.67

Stacy Griffin $344.74

Joe Pisciotto $266.61

Our group sales in Campaign 23 reached $2290.49 so we are staying steady but that $4000 is eluding us. I know many of you are frustrated by our out of stock items, and the long waits for them to come in. I hate that for us all. Hang in there though, just keep on keeping on!

Have a great Campaign 24 everyone! Thanks again for being on my team!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Campaign 22 Kudos

Hi everyone, and sorry this is so so late. With hubby's accidents I have been well stressed and way behind in everything.

Without further ado >>>

In Campaign 22, 4 of you had online sales.

Jennifer Jarvis $367.27

Joe Pisciotto $61.94

Lisa Strasser $41.36


Tina Seagraves $26.63


In Campaign 22, 4 of you also had sales of over $200.

Congratulations go to:

Jennifer Jarvis $367.27

Joe Pisciotto $274.15

Lisa Strasser $266.01


Corine Tyler $246.30

Thank you all for your hard work. I appreciate you all so much.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Natural Calming and Invigorating - Looking Forward To My Zen Suite

I have always been a sensual person. Years ago, every evening, I used to soak in my bathtub with soft music playing, candles flickering in the dark, and AVON's Tranquil Moments in the tub. It was my way of relaxing after a busy day (I was working full-time back then).

Now, my bathroom is empty, the old tub and cabinet is gone, and we have flooring to replace (because of rot) before we can install my new walk-in bathtub and cabinetry and turn it into my zen suite. I am impatient. I have a box of AVON "smellies" awaiting ... candles, oils and bubble baths, and bath salts, and once my bathroom is all nice and ready, methinks I'll be in that tub every morning to start my day, and every evening to end it. 

Different aromas evoke different actions in our bodies. Some are known for calming, like Lavender (definitely my favourite!) and others for invigorating, like Citrus. I love how AVON now has a range of oils that are geared towards different moods and needs.

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing process that utilizes the aromatic plant extracts, often in the form of essential oils, to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. Its roots can be traced back thousands of years to ancient civilizations.

The earliest recorded use of aromatics dates to ancient Egypt, where they were employed in various religious rituals and medicinal treatments.

The Greeks and Romans continued these practices and further developed the art of perfumery and using scents for therapeutic purposes.

During the Middle Ages, the knowledge of aromatics was preserved and expanded upon in the Arab world.

The term "Aromatherapy" was coined in the 20th Century by a French chemist, Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, who discovered the healing properties of lavender oil when he applied it to a burn. This led to increased scientific interest in essential oils' therapeutic potential.

All I know is that, before I ever really understood what Aromatherapy was, I was actually "doing it". For over 45 years I've used oils to relax and de-stress me.

One of AVON's offerings, currently, is this Minding My Mood 4-in-1 Essential Oil Blends

I'm definitely a "few drops in the bathwater" type girl but I also have added them to my body lotions, and some people diffuse them (I can't do that as I have a cat and apparently the oils are too much for their respiratory systems, so if you have cats please be aware of this and learn more).

As mentioned before, I am a Lavender fan, so another of my current favourites is AVON's Lavender Pillow Spray. 

I am very extravagant with this, not only on my pillows but also in my living room (where I spray it on my couches and cushions as well). I just love the overall calming ambience it creates. I don't have curtains, but if I did, I'd be spraying it on them as well. Funnily enough, all of my customers who have tried this have gotten hooked on it as well so I'm not the only one!

One of AVON'
s newer additions is Aromatherapy Sleep Tight Zzz Body Lotion which makes an AWESOME after bath lotion, before bed. The combination of Lavender and Rose makes a soothing soft fragrance that helps relax you even more.

Another newer addition to AVON's Aromatherapy range

is the Aromatherapy Bright Day Ahead Body Lotion with a citrus and ginger scent to uplift your senses.

The final addition to this range has been the Aromatherapy Bye Bye Stress Body Lotion, which has spearmint and eucalyptus oils to "help promote serenity".

Whatever our mood, AVON's Aromatherapy range is there to help us get the most of it.

#aromatherapy #essential oils #homespa #lavender #destress #AVON #AVONIndRep #AVONAromatherapy

Campaign 21 Kudos

 You guys are AWESOME!!!! We are rising again! Our group sales in Campaign 21 were $3495.03 That's almost another $1000 over our sales last Campaign! Well done all of you!

So, how many of you are working on the new incentives AVON is offering? Isn't that Shine & Strive incentive an easy one to accomplish? I was really happy when I saw that because I know everyone can achieve it, and I love seeing reps getting rewarded for their efforts.

Years ago, we - as team leaders - could offer our own incentives to our team members but that's not allowed any more, so I was really happy to see such an easily attainable incentive that both new and reps could achieve. Nothing fuels us in our business like getting rewarded does, I think. I know how proud I was of us all, back in the days of PC luncheons, when our team was coming out top in sales or growth. It was exciting, and pushed me on to wanting to build us bigger and better.

We were always near the top of the Leader Boards, with quite a few of our team members on it for individual sales and achievements. Some of you have been with me since those days. We just keep on keeping on. 

So, Top Sellers in Campaign 21, who are we honouring today?
Jennifer Jarvis $893.67
Stacy Griffin $416.44
Leann Chapman $256.73
Joe Pisciotto $256.28
Corine Taylor $208.59

Congratulations to you all! Well done!

How many of you are excited at the Destination AVON Sail Away incentive? I LOVE cruising. I sailed 3 times on the QEII when she was still doing Transatlantic journeys between New York and Southampton. Wouldn't it be great to go on an all-expenses paid cruise and hang out with other reps and do all kinds of fun things while you were afloat? They've not released the destination yet, so that'll be a future surprise. What's neat is that everyone can take part. New reps with no prior year sales can achieve a trip for one with just $8000 in sales, or (for 2, with $14,000), and we long term folks purely need an ADDITIONAL $8000 over last year's sales for one person, or $14000 additional for 2.

One way to add to your sales is to utilize your online store. I cannot emphasize this enough. In this digital age, so many people now like to shop online, they like the ease of looking at the images and just clicking through, and paying with their credit/debit card or paypal, and they love the online exclusives. Who doesn't like more commission? Make sure to share your site on your social media, via email and text, and when talking to people. Also, another way to garner email address info is by using the AVON Sweepstakes each month, and getting people to enter for a free chance to win an assortment of products. Once they are in your address book in your back office, when you set up the Promotions, then they'll receive them as well.

Talking Promotions, today's the day to go into Manage Business > Marketing Tools > Promotions and set them up for the new Campaign that started today. Remember, the free gifts with order cost you NOTHING as AVON provides them, offering you the chance to build your business by offering them with certain sized orders.

Who had Online Sales in Campaign 21?

Jennifer Jarvis had 4 orders totalling $734.82


5 of you each had single orders.

Heather Berg $112.79
Stacy Griffin $86.94
Beverly Dore $86.84
Joe Pisciotto $23.99
Lisa Strasser $23.99

You guys are AWESOME!!! WELL DONE!

Have a fun Campaign 22, I hope you all stay on track for the incentives and have fun with your business. Remember to check out all the AVON trainings and info they now have on their YouTube channel.

Have a brilliant day!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Campaign 20 Kudos

Good morning everyone, and a new campaign is upon us. I've been setting up my promotions for the next 2 weeks. It's an easy way to offer customers something more simply for shopping with you and spending a certain amount. If you offer only the free gifts with order, AVON pays the cost and provides the item free, so you can build your business at no cost, other than a few minutes of your time. Those of us who utilize our online store know that this helps create returning customers, and customer loyalty.

In Campaign 20, our group sales were $2533.89 so we are still plodding along, but dipped below our $4000 goal. No worries, just keep on keeping on, we'll weather the storm and make it through. We are a long way from the top placings of our $15000 campaigns of a couple of years ago but don't give up. Everyone is struggling in this economy, but think like they thought of Steve Austin "we can rebuild him". Don't get disheartened, we can rebuild our sales, and regain our place in the top sellers in our areas ... it will just take time.

Five of you had online sales in Campaign 20. 

Our top seller was Jennifer Jarvis $308.75

Heather Berg $66.76

Lisa Strasser $65.97

Teresa Watkins $22.44


Lessie Carroll $17.98

How many of you are sharing your links for the sweepstakes each month, and the live shopping events? Both are easy ways to get customers, old and new, to your site and - as I always push - are FREE resources. I know many of you don't have money to invest in your business right now and that's why I tell you to utilize the free tools we have. I want you to be successful and I appreciate that we are all struggling for the $$$ at the moment. I share the sweeps and promotions on the first Wednesday as each campaign starts, I schedule promotions to go out at different times during the campaign so that customers don't wake up one morning to 5 or 6 at the same time, that's annoying! I try to post the live shopping events as they are announced (I've been failing miserably this past month as my mind has been on decluttering and remodelling, and to say I'm exhausted mentally and physically is an understatement BUT it's all good) and sharing via text and email. I also ask friends to share with their AVON-loving friends, too.

Remember also, AVON U now has a presence on youtube making it even easier to check out and learn new tricks.

Jennifer Jarvis was our only team member to top $200 in sales, in Campaign 20. She sold $699.97. That's amazing, Jenn, well done!

I am thankful for all of you, and appreciate all that you do. Here's toa  successful Campaign 21! Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Campaign 18 and Campaign 19 Kudos

Hi everyone, and I apologise again. I have had so much going on that I completely forgot about doing the Campaign 18 kudos in the past two weeks.  My only excuse is that my life is getting in the way.  We are remodelling, and I am trying to pack stuff so as to not get it messed up with the dust from pulling down old stuff to put in new, I had 2 dying trees cut down, and a driveway put in.  To say my brain is fried, is an understatement.  Added to which, my kids poetry book, which I had been hoping to publish this past week, I am now having to re-do, as the format I had done it in, does not work with the publisher.  I am so disappointed in myself.  It was only when I went to upload, that I found I could not do it in the template that I had chosen as they do not accommodate it. Needless to say, I am now having to start from scratch as it will not just transfer into a new template.  So, with all of that being said, again, I apologise for letting you all down.

I am keeping this quite simple this time, and I apologise for that also. Simply, I am stressed for time and want to make sure I get this out to you all. Needless to say, I am grateful for you all for your efforts.

Our group sales are fluctuating again somewhat, I'm hoping we will all do better with al the Holiday items coming out.  In Campaign 18, our group sales were $1952.70, and in Campaign 19, we reached $2545.72 

Top Seller in Campaign 18 was Jennifer Jarvis with sales of $415.27.  Well done Jenn!

3 of you made use of your online store, in Campaign 18: Congratulations got to:

Jennifer Jarvis $251.38

Carla Carey $27.47 and

Lisa Strasser $19.16.

Top Sellers in Campaign 19 were:

Jennifer Jarvis $304.38

Lisa Strasser $231.89 and

Stacy Griffin $225.71

Five of you made use of your online stores, in Campaign 19.  Congratulations to:

Jennifer Jarvis $155.74
Joe Pisciotto $69.18
Valerie Veteto $61.43
Lisa Strasser $47.16 and
Sylvia Mumoz $15.96

Again, I thank you all for your efforts.  Here's to a great Campaign 20!  Don't forget to go into your Promotions and set up those offers to send to your customers, they may help you all get some online sales!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Campaign 17 Kudos

Thank you everyone, we had a fairly healthy Campaign 17, and our group sales were $3506.02, so just under $500 below our target. That's ok though, we are rising again, getting stronger every month that passes. We WILL regain our status as one of the top local teams, we just have to keep plodding along.  

Three of you had online sales 

through your website

 in Campaign 17

Congratulations go to:

Jennifer Jarvis $613.99

Tammy Tollison $66.48


Wanda Peace $16.14.

Passing out your website url is such a simple thing to do, and can result in extra sales (and that means extra commission for you!). You can share it by text or email (or on your business cards and social media business pages) or you can share the brochure link and that way your customers can browse the brochure and order simply by clicking through. You may need to help some older or un-techy folk to navigate the site the first time, but that investment of your time pays benefits in the future.

Another investment, that I cannot speak highly enough of, is the Promotion Tool which can be found under Manage Business and then under Marketing. For a few minutes, at the beginning of each campaign, you can set up numerous promotions to either run parallel with each other, or consecutively. As I cannot say too many times, AVON pays the cost for free gifts featured in the promotions, so you can offer those at NO COST to you, and your customer gets a little something extra with their $40 or $50 order (depending on what the promotion is). It's a simple way to show your customers how much you appreciate them, and to keep them loyal to you.

As you grow in your business, you may find you are willing to use the discount or free shipping codes. Yes, these cost you money at the time, either as less commission, or paying the shipping for your customer, however these are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE expenses so at the end of the year it balances out in either paying lower taxes or getting a  refund..

Whichever promotions you choose to offer your customers, they will help you gain sales and grow your business.

Congratulations are also due to our
Campaign 17 Top Sellers
Four of you had sales over $200 in Campaign 17
Jennifer Jarvis $774.28
Leann Chapman $482.63
Stacy Griffin $214.41
Cherie Judd $204.79

Thank you all!  You are all awesome!  I am so thankful you are on my team!


For All Representatives
Campaigns 18-20, 2023
(August 30 through October 10)

Ready for an Avon shopping spree?! Earn up to a $200 product credit when you hit your sales goal (based on Campaigns 15 through 17, 2023). The higher your sales, the bigger your product credit! For brand-new Representatives, just reach $250 or more in Award Sales and earn $25 (or more!) in free-product credit.

You can check your sales goal on

Good luck everyone, I'd love to see all of you achieve this!

Who DOESN'T like free???

I wish you all an awesome Campaign 18!!! 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

A Body Serum. What's That?

The older I get, the more some things change while others stay the same. In a sense, body pampering is like that. 

For some of us, it has been a lifelong indulgence. As mothers, babies'  bathtimes were always finished with a generous slathering of baby lotion all over our sons' and daughters' legs, arms, backs and bellies. Many of us still associate that "baby smell" with the fragrance of the baby lotion we used.

After showering, my morning routine is always my face skin care regimen, talc (no longer really talc, now it's cornstarch) under my arms and "bits", and then slathering my arms, legs and belly with lotion. Over the years I've made up my own lotion concoctions, using a regular Senses lotion, adding gelled Skin So Soft (for extra moisturizing) and often a Vitamin C serum to add that extra je ne sais quoi. I have always pampered my skin.

What is the definition of healthy skin??

The skin is the largest organ of the body, weighing in at 6 pounds and is 18.2 square feet. It has many functions. It breathes through the pores, it’s elastic and flexible, reproduces itself regularly and it repairs itself when it’s injured. It also provides a barrier to moisture loss, UV light and bacterial and viral infections. And through it all, it maintains its temperature through thermal regulation.

As you can see, our skin has some very important jobs to do, so it makes sense that we should take care of it. Yet many people think "skin" and will think "face" and some will also think "hands" (especially those who wash their hands a lot during the day). 

We should be taking care of it all, every day!

Diet plays a big part in healthy skin, habits such as sunbathing, tanning beds, smoking or drinking alcohol can be detrimental to it, and drinking plenty of water (to help the body flush out impurities) has been touted as a "must do" since Victorian times.

AVON's latest product innovation is the Anew Platinum Sculpting Body Serum which will be introduced in Campaign 20. Be ready to order it as soon as it's available, as everyone is going to want this! Those of us who have had access to using it and seeing its benefits, ahead of time, are all thoroughly hooked on it.

Why would we be?

The ingredients are all effective in making skin feeling, and looking, smoother, firmer and more youthful. It has a very light fragrance and absorbs in so quickly. In a 2 week study, 9 out of 10 women said it made their skin look firmer and contoured.

So, what are the ingredients?

They're known as the "Fab 4" and are Niacinamide, Panthenol, Peptides and Coffee Seed Extract. Combined, they hydrate and visibly plump skin, they reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and they help firm the look of skin. Since they improve skin elasticity, they give skin a more lifted appearance.

This is so much more than "just" a fragranced body lotion, this is a specific lotion to help counteract signs of aging all over the body.

Personally, I love the way it makes my skin feel, and will (probably, again) be my own best customer for this product.

#AnewPlatinumSculptingBodySerum #bodylotion #superiorskincare #skinelasticity #agingskin #RoseDempseyIndAVONrep #AVONskincare #skincarerecommendations

Why Should You Choose A Serum?

Serums can boost the benefits of your anti-aging regimens. But what is a serum? How is it different from your regular day or night cream? What are the benefits of using a serum? They are lightweight, so ideal for layering under your regular morning and night-time moisturizers, and their smaller, more easily absorbed molecules are able to deliver a higher concentration of their active ingredients, as they target specific concerns.

Which then leads to the question - which serum should I choose? 

For quite a few years now, I have had 2 "go to" serums. The first, the Anew Power Serum,

is one I recommend to everyone. It enhances the performance of any skin care regimen, giving skin firmness and smoothness while diminishing lines and wrinkles because it adds extra hydration. Skin also looks radiant. It's a perfect "first-timer's" serum as it approaches so many basic concerns, making it a good choice for twenty-somethings and up.

My second "go to" is the Anew Ultimate Supreme Dual Elixir which not only has a superior serum but is combined with a luxurious blend of oils, and visibly smooths and firms skin. Even skin that has been damaged by age, sun or other exterior factors, can see a dramatic difference after a couple of weeks of daily use.

Those "were" my 2 "go to" serums, but I am now 68 years old, so my skin is needing some extra TLC to stay looking as good as it has all my life. Thus, I have moved on to others and I love the results.

When I am able to afford it, I indulge in the Mission Luxureve  Serum which is a deluxe rejuvenating serum which is made from natural ingredients and uses special fermentation processes to create this superior product. It is awesome in making skin look more youthful and firm.

You can sometimes get this as part of a trial-size regimen kit which offers an excellent opportunity to experience the awesomeness of not only the serum but the whole range.

I am now "trying out" 2 newer serums. The first is the Anew Platinum Age Delay Serum which contains niacinamide, panthenol and peptides. It is said to promote a lifted look for sagging skin. 

The Peptides help skin to fight back against the collagen breakdown that occurs naturally as we age. As it was explained to me, Peptides are like tiny building blocks in our bodies. The building blocks are amino acids. When they come together, they form short chains, like connecting LEGO bricks. These short chains are called Peptides.

Niacinamide is also known as Vitamin B3, and Panthenol is pro-Vitamin B5. When a pro-vitamin is applied to the skin, the body can convert it into the active vitamin as needed.

Partnering with the Age Delay Serum, I am now also using the Anew Ultimate Night Repair Serum before my night-time moisturizer.

I have to admit, I am probably my own best customer when it comes to skin care as I have always taken care of my skin, since being a teenager. Back then, I cleansed with Pears soap, toned with witch hazel, dabbed teenage acne with lemon juice, and whipped up egg whites to make a face mask. 

Things have come a long way in 50 years!

Friday, August 18, 2023

Summer Fashions Are Here

 AVON has the perfect fashions to keep you cool and comfortable this Summer (and with the heat we've been having, we all NEED cool and comfortable.

This printed handkerchief dress is bright and airy, It's a Paisley print and made of rayon/spandex.

This red maxi-dress says "whether you're shopping, walking the beach or afternoon drinks on a patio, I can steal the show". 100% rayon with a 100% polyester lining, the beautiful smock accentuates this colour splash! $42.99


Tie-dyed, this cold shoulder dress is made from Viscos and Spandex, and is a new take on an old classic. $39.99

Maybe you're more into tops that you can pair with a skirt or pants to create different outfits? My top pick right now is the Eyelet Puff-Sleeve Top. This is pretty enough to be casual with jeans or dressed up with a black skirt and heels, and some statement jewelry. $34.99.

If you want something "flow-ier", then how about this pair of Tulip Sleeved tops? A relaxed fitting makes these a comfortable choice, and the 2 are sold as a pair so you get one plain, and one print, for only $34.99

For only $39.99 you can get this 4 pack of Summer Tees, to mix and match with jeans,  shorts, skirts, whatever you fancy.

They make a great addition to your fashion  wardrobe.

Finally, this open-knit long cardigan with an open front, provides that extra cover for beach days, over swimwear or casual tops/shorts. It could also layer over the maxi or handkerchief dresses to give a more bohemian look. $42.99

As they say, in the movies, "that's a wrap!" 

You can check out all of AVON's fashion offerings on my website at

#AVONfashions #tops #dresses #summerfashions #fashionpicks #fashion #clothing #makeupmoneyandmore #RoseDempseyIndAVONRep #