Friday, April 19, 2019

My Journey to President's Club

Today, as I placed my first Campaign 10 order, my tally on my journey to President's Club hit $3,792 leaving me **only** (LOL) $6,208 to sell to reach that $10,000 goal. 

I am definitely faring better than I did last year. Ill health does impede my progress at times, as it stops me working my business when all of my focus is on getting well.I have high hopes of attaining it this year, despite having had a record 8 ER visits so far this year and one hospital stay. Inbetween, when my body is on an even keel, I schedule social media posts, make my phone calls, send emails, and talk to my team members and customers.

People start selling AVON for different reasons.I *only* wanted to get my own stuff at a discount, when I called to sign up. By the time I had got started,I had seen the potential in replacing the income I was making working in the call center - which I knew I was going to have to quit soon because that was when my health first started going downhill and affecting my mobility - back in 2006.

I am thankful that I did, as AVON is now my money provider, and helps me pay various bills, buy gifts for birthdays and Christmasses, dinners out with hubby, theater and concert tickets over the years, and kept me from needing disability benefits.

Methinks it's not a bad gig, LOL.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Getting back to my business

The week began badly, with a trip to the ER and subsequently an overnight stay in hospital, and getting my mind back into working my business has been a slow process, with so many other things on my mind. Today though, I am starting to get back into it.

Yesterday, I made a slow start. I placed one order for a new customer (from my doctor office where I had taken brochures on Wednesday, during my visit there) and gave books to the ladies working at the optician's office where hubby has to have his diabetic eye exams done.

I labelled and bagged some brochures earlier, and then hubby and I went around one of the new subdivisions being built locally, and I dropped off books at the new houses that were occupied. I am hoping maybe one or two might become new customers.

It's my plan to do the same at a couple more locations tomorrow. Just taking it slowly right now, easing my way back into my business routine.