Tuesday, May 23, 2017

AVON's Speak Out About Domestic Violence cause

AVON's Speak Out About Domestic Violence cause is one that I wholeheartedly support ... because, many years ago, when I was married to my first husband, I was a victim. I can honestly say that I never expected to get out of that relationship alive. It may be 4 decades ago, now, but the memories can haunt just as vividly as if it were yesterday, and back then, there was no support, no shelters, no domestic violence awareness or education. Everything was hidden behind closed doors and not spoken out, even the police would not help, and the basic assumption was that somehow, you were failing in your duties as a wife thus your husband was just trying to correct you! It sounds so ridiculous nowadays, but that's how it was back then.

So, I thoroughly support AVON's cause, and other agencies that provide help to those in abusive situations.

Every Speak Out Against Domestic Violence item that AVON sells creates an automatic donation of a portion of the price, to the cause, so when you purchase one, you are not only buying something you will enjoy (or, if a gift, the receiver will enjoy) but also helping to support resources that get abused families the safety and help they need.

In my own small way, I try to "do my bit". Last September, for instance, my friend Dimple (who comes and cleans for me and does other niceties) helped me bag up AVON products, and then took them for me, to the local Safe Harbor women's shelter, for the ladies/teen girls there. I wanted them to have some things to make them feel feminine and "normal" again.

They were simple things - fragrances, skin care and make up items. The lady who oversees the shelter was very happy to receive them, and I daresay the ladies and teens were too. I hope so. I know that my feelings back when I was abused, were so downtrodden, I felt nobody cared and "feeling feminine" wasn't even in my realm of thinking, 

Please consider purchasing one of the Speak Out About Domestic Violence products on my website www.youravon.com/rosemarydempsey and become a part of the solution!

Thank you!

Friday, May 12, 2017

What a week!  Life has a habit of getting in the way of the best laid plans and work goals! I am sooo  thankful for my AVON!  If I worked for an employer, I'd have been fired long ago. 

Last week, Thursday, leaving for work, my hubby ran over one of our 4 legged children, Angel. 13 years old ... strong willed ... she has a broken rib, inflammation and is lucky to be alive. Giving her the pain pills and anti-inflammatories has been a battle of wills, with winners on both sides. Her "treat" - McDonald's cheeseburgers - became a way to fool her into taking them. The vet was awesome but it was a bill we could have done without.

Friday, we had rented a truck to pick up a new (to us) washer, take our old one and some other household goods (a tv etc) to recycle, and remove cut tree limbs from our yard to the recycle place, for mulching. Hubby's back started going out, so halfway through the day, we returned the truck and the tree limbs remain in the yard.

Then, Saturday, we had a tire started going flat, resulting in us needing to get 2 new ones put on ... another bill we did not need.

The stress, and the heat, made my blood pressure go up, to high 180s/100 and working my business was farthest from my mind. thankfully, 2 of my online customers placed orders totalling almost $100. I was extremely thankful.

Tuesday, unable to get my blood pressure to go down, I went to the doctor, and we have decided to up my meds for the time being. having maternal grandparents, one who died of a stroke and one who had an aortic aneurysm, I HAVE to take my BP seriously.

Anyway, I am feeling semi-human today, so am trying to work a little, while I feel up to it.

Just like Penny and Raj, on "The Big Bang Theory" I have had rave reviews from my customers about our sheet masks! My customers love them! They love the simplicity of use AND the results.

Another hit has been the revamped mark. make up. People are loving the new compacts that click together.

Easier to carry, and keep in your purse for refreshing at any time, in the workplace, or while out having dinner or clubbing. They are so very convenient!

Always a favourite with my make up customers, for a professional look every time, are our brushes. AVON has a selection, each with a specific purpose, and currently, you can get a  great deal in my online store www.youravon.com/rosemarydempsey - when you buy one, you get one of equal or lesser price, at 50% off!

Feel free to email me at rosesavonshoppe@aol.com with any questions about AVON products, or the opportunity. 

Have a wonderful day, and a great weekend with your families and friends.


#cosmetics  #makeup  #skincare  #beautyshop  #AVONlivingthebosslife