Wednesday, June 1, 2016

It's Skin So Soft Bug Guard Time!

As Summer begins to take a hold (or what FEELS like Summer, this side of June 21st), families begin to spend more time outdoors, picnic time, camping, days by the lake or hiking in woods and mountains, hunters hunt, fishermen fish and trappers trap ... and everybody becomes the buffer table for numerous flying insects like gnats, and mosquitoes, and for clingers like ticks. Ticks and mosquitoes being more than just an annoyance but possible disease carriers as well.

Protecting your family becomes a part of the "going outside" ritual.

AVON has been helping families for years, and many still swear by our Original Scent Skin So Soft Bath Oil as a mosquito prevention must-have.

16.9 oz or 24 oz bottles

or 5oz spray

AVON does not advocate this product for this particular use, but millions of satisfied customers cannot be wrong!

AVON developed its Skin So Soft Bug Guard range to fill a much needed spot in insect bite prevention, and one that was free of DEET. There are 2 formulas, one is for dusk and dawn mainly, and the other is for daytime use and contains a sunscreen element.

Which to choose? This handy chart shows the whole range and the best product for which use.

The CDC advocates using insect repellent as in 2012, they reported an increase in the amount of recorded cases of West Nile Virus than in the previous 9 years. Of those, 80% were in Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas.

Added to which we now have the Zika Virus, which was first noted in Brazil in May 2015, which has been blamed for birth defects and causing Guillain-Barre syndrome.

When you PREVENT mosquitoes from biting, then you cut down the risk of mosquito-borne diseases!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)recommends choosing insect repellents that have been registered with The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What does his mean? Why do they suggest this?

Well, when a product is registered with the EPA, basically what that means is that, when used according to the directions on the label, the product in question isn't expected to cause any harm to people or the environment.

Picaridin and IR3535 (used by AVON, DEET and Lemon Eucalyptus Oil are all approved by the EPA as registered ingredients. Added to which, they have been certified as effective in preventing insect bites.

What information does the CDC give against the Zika Virus and West Nile Virus? Their fact sheets are here:

You owe it to yourself to learn all you can about keeping your family safe from biting insect this Summer. As your AVON Representative, I am here to help. I must admit, for convenience sake (and on children) the towelettes are very easy to use, and effective. Otherwise, I use a pump action spray, just a little in my hands, rubbed together, and then rubbed on the child's exposed areas.

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