Saturday, February 8, 2020

I LOVE the new Belif moisturizers

I am hooked!

I tried the new #Belif products from #AVON and I love them.

The texture is very rich and the fragrance is light, reminiscent of the sceny of cold cream back in the 1960s but with a hint of lemon. My skin really appreciated the super moisturizing that they give. It felt smooth and plump, and looked awesome.

To find out more about this amazing product you can visit my website and see the natural ingredients, and a history of the thinking behind its composition. Who was Duncan Napier? You can find out here.

#Belif #AquaBomb #Moisturizer #AVONBelif #AVONSkinCare # SkinCare #RoseDempseyIndependentAVONRep #Shopping #ShopOnline #