Thursday, October 25, 2018

Only 8 and a half weeks until Christmas!

2018 just seems to have whizzed by. I feel like it was only a couple of months ago that I was getting ready for LAST Christmas! Now, this year's is coming at us, fast and furious! All I can say is, "thank heavens for AVON"  as I've started my gift buying courtesy of their lovely brochures (and not just gifts for other people but a few treats for myself as well!).

As you can see from the video above, Campaign 23 just took it away from the get-go.

To browse the Campaign 23 brochure click here and you can then click through to items to see even more detailed information about each, including materials used and dimensions of solid items, ingredients in our fragrances and cosmetics, or sizes and fabrics used in our fashion clothing and shoes.

You can shop 24/7 on my webstore  and you can order with confidence as every item comes with a 90-day 100% money-back guarantee (and details are on the invoice that comes with your package to make it simpler for you).

If you have never ordered from me before, please use WELCOME10 code at the checkout, and you will save 10% on that first order (hint: the more you spend, the more you save!)  Just my way of trying to help you save money!

Oh, and all orders of $40 or more (after all discounts but before tax) receive FREE shipping!

I look forward to serving you as your AVON lady!

#AVON #Shopping #Christmas #ChristmasShopping #FreeShipping #AVONbrochure #AVONbrochureonline #ShopAVONonline
#RoseDempseyIndependentAVONRep #RosesAVONShoppe

Friday, October 19, 2018

Out and About

Today has been a brilliant day!

For starters, hubby was off and so we had a lie-in, set the alarm for 7.30am, and really enjoyed those extra couple of hours! Sleep - one of life's little luxuries!

Then, we began the day with my #AVON deliveries to my customers, had lunch at Hu Hot on Woodruff Rd, and then grocery shopped at Lidl. Thus went our first trek out.

At my first delivery, Miss Kay came out to see me and commented on how much weight I'd lost and told me I smelled so good! I told her the names of the 2 AVON fragrances that I was wearing. I'd got out of my car to show her how losing the weight was affecting me, and she commented on my sweater ... and I laughed as I told her "it's in the brochure! Isn't it lovely? I saw it and just had to have it!"

At Roslyn's, it's her birthday this weekend, so I'd popped a bottle of Free 02 in her bag, I know she loves that fragrance and she's on disability so can't always afford to get everything she wants.

I love going to Hu Hot, my ladies there are like family. Whether my server is Kayla, Cindy or Cassie, they all greet me when I go in, as does Nate, the main cook.  Today, when I handed them their AVON brochures, they were all excited about seeing the new Christmas items, and again, they loved my sweater and I told them - "it's in there!" as I pointed to the brochure.

After bringing our groceries home and putting them away, we headed out for trek 2.

Hubby is re-roofing our home, so we went to Best Buy Metals to get some supplies. They'll be delivering our order next week. My new metal roof is going to be a lovely red colour.

While I was there, I gave AVON brochures to the 2 lovely ladies working there (one of whom we'd met at their open house a couple of weeks ago) and they were excited about having an AVON lady now! I sat and chatted awhile while hubby was discussing his roofing needs with the guy taking his order. 

Suffice to say, methinks today has been a pretty good day!

Monday, October 8, 2018

I try not to work Sundays

I love what I do, but I try to treat Sunday as a day of rest, a day when people don't have to see my AVON posts all over social media, or receive calls regarding their interest in the business. A day of professional courtesy, I guess you could say. Plus, for me, a day when I can enjoy the peace and solitude of a quiet day, or go out and experience the beauty of this wonderful world that God has put together.

Yesterday, however, I spent some of my day in the presence of 2 of my team members, and enjoyed their company as we discussed some business "stuff" at the same time.

One is a long time team leader, and we became friends very soon after she joined my team. We have tailgated together, in the past, when I was more capable of doing so, physically, and often chat and run ideas off each other.

Later in the afternoon, I had a phone call from my newest team member, and we decided to meet up (me with my laptop) so that I could show her how to navigate the website and answer all her questions. She is so organized, she puts me to shame. She took loads of notes, and we just kept on finding more to explore ... until it turned dark outside. It was an awesome training meeting, and she left so excited, and I was excited for her.

I foresee a good friendship budding there, too.

Today, I'm hoping for a brilliantly productive day, I have a couple of blog articles to write and post, minutes to pedal on my elliptical bike, a library book to finish reading, and return by the end of the day, social media posts to take care of and interactions with customers, team members and friends, Chicken and veggies are already in the crockpot for dinner, and all of my 4 legged family have been fed, and been outside a couple of times this morning.

I am thinking all is good in my world, and for that I'm truly thankful.

I know a lot of people look at me, being disabled, and think "what does SHE have to be THANKFUL for?" Gosh, my list is so long, too much to mention, but I have a lot of love, from family, friends and ye 4-leggeds, I can laugh and be happy, I have a roof over my head, a comfy bed to sleep in and food in my tummy, I can look out of my bathroom window and watch deer grazing amongst the undergrowth in the field, or have our one solitary chicken tell me off when I don't have her treats when I open the door to let the dogs out.

I have been blessed with a weird and wonderful life, which I truly enjoy. That's why I am so thankful every day.

I appreciate the little things and they add together to make up one real big thing!

Have a great Monday, my friends.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Give Yourself a Pedicure - You Deserve it!

We expect so much from our feet, and often forget them when we think about pampering ourselves. An in-home pedicure can be quite simple to do, and not only make your feet look good but feel good as well.

What are some of the issues you may find, when dealing with your feet?

1. Corns and Calluses
2. Cracked Heels
3. Ingrown Toenails
4. Bunions

1. Corns and Calluses

What is a callus? This is one of the most common foot problems, and is an area of toughened skin that has developed because of repeated contact or pressure. A corn is similar, but is a more localized thickening of the skin, and is often conical in shape, and found on toes and the sole of the foot.  Calluses are usually pain-free although they may cause  a slight burning sensation, but can progress to  cause underlying tissue damage.

As with so many things, prevention is better than cure. Properly fitting shoes are a must, and soothing feet with moisturizing and softening creams also work as a preventative.

Corns usually respond best to professional treatment, and a good chiropodist makes light work of them. Corn pads do not always ensure the complete removal of the corn.

2. Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are the bane of those who suffer with dry skin, so combating the dry skin is imperative. Before moisturizing, all dry skin should be buffed away.

3. Ingrown Toenails

These are often caused by ill-fitting shoes and incorrect trimming of toenails.  You should always cut straight across using nail clippers, but making sure to respect the natural shape of the nail. You should never cut the sides of the nail.

As podiatrist Emma Supple explains "This is a painful condition that occurs when the nail starts to press into the fleshy part of the adjacent skin. It can easily become infected and needs professional podiatry treatment."

4. Bunions

Although bunions may be inherited, most are caused by ill-fitting shoes. For most people they begin as "just a bump" on a big toe, but as they progress, the big toe begins to push into and angle against the other toes. Once developed, surgery is the only option, thus - again - prevention is better than cure. Be careful with shoe styles that compact toes into an unnatural form.

So, now you know what you may find, let the pampering begin!

Things you will need:
Manicure set
Pedicure Tool (or pumice stone, and file)
Bowl of warm water
Towel for drying.
Foot Soak
Foot Scrub
Moisturizing Cream
Cracked Heel Cream
Cuticle Conditioner

Begin by filing away the dead skin on your feet, with a foot file. File the sides, balls and heels of the feet. Always do this when the feet are dry, as filing when wet can damage the skin in this area.

Put some foot soak into the bowl of warm water and soak your feet for 10-15 minutes.

Use the foot scrub to remove and remaining bits of skin, and make the area smooth.

Dry your feet completely. Athlete's Foot can occur if they stay damp.

Using the moisturizing cream, massage into your feet. If you have an issue with cracked heels, use the cracked heel cream and massage it into the heel area.

Now ... doesn't that feel good?

Now, push the cuticles down, apply cuticle conditioner and massage into the cuticle and nail area.

Using small snips, trim the toenails, and finish by filing into shape.

Now they are all ready for polish ... if you want to pretty them up!

Everything you need can be found on my AVON webstore at or just click on any of the links above.

Here's to happy feet!

Bug Guard Fundraiser for Flood Victims of Florence

The only good thing that ever comes out of any disaster, is that people pull together, to do good, and to help the victims of the event.

I have been trying to do a fundraiser for people in the flood zone as I have friends there, who stayed, helped rescue others and started the clean up. One of the issues they are dealing with on top of the damage is that the hurricane produced the perfect conditions for breeding mosquitoes ... and apparently they are even bigger than normal.

I had no luck with my first attempts to raise funds, so sent 4 bottles of Bug Guard down to my friend, and yesterday she posted on Facebook at how thankful she was for them, and was sharing with her neighbours.

So, I'm trying again.

$13 will buy 1 bottle, and I will cover the tax.

Every time I have 10 bottles sold, I will ship them out.

If you cannot afford $13, just send $1 or $2, they will all add up, and help!

You can paypal me using the email address (I've had paypal since I had my goats, who are all -sadly - long passed over the Rainbow Bridge). Do it as "friends and family" and that way there are no fees, plus you will have your paypal receipt.

This is a small way that we can help. The big organizations are providing food, water and the mainstay items. Nobody is thinking bout the discomfort of trying to clean up whilst getting "attacked" as my friend and her neighbours are saying, by mosquitoes.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month - support the cause!

'T is the season (well, the month actually) when Breast Cancer becomes the issue that everybody is talking about, and across the country there are all manner of awareness get-togethers and fundraisers for the cause. People are prompted to check themselves, to get mammograms, to take part in sponsored runs to raise money, and generally to ensure that women all over the US are aware of this disease and the support that IS out there.

It's a disease that's close to my heart as it cost my husband his mother, back in 1976, when he was just 12. His younger sister was only 5. It took away the innocence of their childhood and their mother's love.

Breast cancer destroys families, and is not limited to women, men get it too! It is a heartless disease but, medical advances, better testing procedures, better treatments, now ensure that fatalities are becoming less "the norm" and that breast cancer survivors are all around us. My sister-in-law is a survivor.

AVON's Breast Cancer Crusade was the first corporate effort of its kind, and has since been mimicked by many other companies.

AVON's Pink Hope selections  provide a way for my customers to support the cause, even as they shop for items for themselves or gifts for family and friends. In 2018, 15% of the breast cancer fundraising products purchased, up to $750,000, will be contributed to The American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Is it time for a new lipstick?

Look at some of these lovely items - who do you know (on your birthday or Christmas list) who would love one of them? 

From fashion and candles 

to beautiful jewelry pieces

your purchase can help make a difference!

Clicking on any of the highlighted words will take you though to the page on my site. If you need any help, or have any questions, please email me at or call/text me at 864-325-7041, I'm always happy to help.

AVON's Breast Cancer Crusade is a worthwhile cause, I hope you'll help support it.

Since I cannot take part in the walks due to my disability (even with my walker, I couldn't walk even 1/10 of the distance, I doubt, I am trying to sell 100 Pink Hope products to "do my bit".

I'd really appreciate your help. Please share this with everyone you know, together we can all help make a difference!